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Invisalign (Call us at 408-719-8600)

Confidence begins with your smile, and crooked or crowded teeth reduce a person’s self-confidence. Unlike traditional belief, dental braces are as suitable for adults as they are for children. Invisalign® is without doubt a great treatment for adults suffering from crooked or crowded teeth, and are embarassed by their smile. Are you self-conscious about your smile? If so, then it may be time for you to think about getting braces.

Traditional metal or plastic dental braces are still commonly used to help re-align crowded or crooked teeth, but can result in months of other embarrassing inconveniences. Invisalign® is a new type of teeth alignment that can straighten crooked teeth as well as spaced-out, crowded teeth. It has also been found to be effective at treating more complex dental conditions, such as overbites and deep bites. Currently, close to one million people have used Invisalign® braces to straighten their teeth and perfect their smile.

Invisalign® is also a wonderful new way to correct crooked teeth while retaining a confident appearance. The aligners are formed specifically to fit each patient’s unique dental profile, gradually shifting each tooth into a correct and comfortable position. To adapt to the changing arrangement of your teeth, the aligner is switched out bi-weekly. Traditional braces require physical manipulation of the metal while the support is still in your mouth to adapt to this change. Also, unlike traditional dental braces, Invisalign® can be removed before you eat, reducing the risk of broken braces and any unsightly food remnants. Of course the most obvious advantage of Invisalign® is in the name, the invisible appearance allows the patient to retain confidence in their smile during the entire process.

A recent study showed a definite connection between straight, healthy teeth and increased self-esteem. In this study, researchers looked at three factors: people’s willingness to invest in themselves, their desire to be seen as attractive to others, and their ability to socialize. The study concluded that poor oral health can lead to low self-esteem and a decreased sense of satisfaction. Should such an easily corrected problem like crooked teeth be allowed to cause such a dramatic effect? Look into getting Invisalign® and start smiling again.

Although increased self-esteem is a leading reason for orthodontic braces, there are other advantages to Invisalign® than simply a confident smile. For example, brushing and flossing become more effective when you have well-aligned teeth. Cleaning your teeth effectively reduces the risk of expensive and sometimes painful dental procedures in the future.

Call our dental office now for a consultation to find out if Invisalign® is right for you. Your smile and self-esteem are worth it!


Boyd RL. Esthetic orthodontic treatment using the invisalign appliance for moderate to complex malocclusions. Journal of Dental Educucation. 2008;72(8):948-67.
Hallberg U, Haag P. The subjective meaning of dentition and oral health: Struggling to optimize one’s self-esteem. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being. 2002;2(2):86-92.
Maritinez-Mier EA, Maupome G, Soto-Rojas AE, Urena-Cirett JL, Katz BP, Stookey GK. Development of a questionnaire to measure perceptions of, and concern derived from, dental flourosis. Community Dental Health. 2004;21(4):299-305.