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Dental implants – A path to new life with a confident smile

Dental Implants Specialist

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of missing teeth? Dental implants offer a secure, reliable and extremely thriving solution for replacing one or more lost teeth. Visit a dental implant dentist to understand more about the treatment and whether it is fit for you or not.

What benefits do dental implants bestow upon you?

Since 1960 dental implants technology has been thriving and improving to replace one or missing teeth in both the jaws. The outcome is an appealing and stable tooth replacement option that stimulates your underlying bones and offers healthy gums and teeth. Given below are some of the other benefits of dental implants:

What should you expect during the treatment?

Dental implants are created out of biocompatible material to integrate fully with the tissues of your bones. If you are considered the right candidate for implants by your dental implant specialist, he will insert the implant into your jawbone surgically. It takes a few months to heal wherein the implant integrates with the bone through a process called ‘osseointegration.’ Once the implant is healed, an abutment is fixed to hold the tooth in place. Finally, the replacement tooth is connected to the abutment. The artificial tooth is created so that it matches the shape and color of your other teeth.

Get your new set of a smile right away with dental implants

Looking for, “dental implant clinic near me“? Look no further because North Capitol Dental Care offers quality and ethical dental implant dentistry services for a long-lasting smile. Improve your appearance and teeth functioning today by scheduling an appointment with us.