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What is the time duration of dental implant treatment?

What is the time duration of dental implant treatment?

Dental implant treatment is a three-phase procedure, which can vary from individual to individual. The complete process takes approximately 5 to 8 months and is slightly different from getting dentures. Continue reading to understand the entire procedure! 

Phase 1 – Evaluation and Preparation

This phase includes everything starting from tooth extraction to bone grafting procedure. The process begins with taking your CT scan, where the dental implant specialist will evaluate your dentition along with the area where the implant is to be placed. If bone grafting is not needed, one can immediately move to phase 2. However, if bone grafting is to be done, phase 1 might take 3 to 6 months. Bone grafting is required for patients who do not have sufficient bones to accommodate implants.

Phase 2 – Artificial Root placement

Phase 2 begins with the placement of the artificial root in the bones. They are then left to heal. The placement process takes about 1 to 2 hours and the healing procedure takes 3 to 6 months. Within this time, the implant fuses with the bones and merges with the surrounding tissues. 

Phase 3 – Placement of the crown

Phase 3 involves the placement of the artificial tooth or crown over the artificial tooth root. An impression of your mouth, teeth and jaws are taken and accordingly the artificial teeth are designed to fit perfectly with the shape, size and color of your mouth. 

Teeth in a day!

We all have seen advertisements portraying “teeth in a day”! Are you wondering whether it is practically possible? It is possible when a person is to be given a whole set of new teeth. If you want to rejuvenate your complete smile instantly, same-day implants may be for you.

Are you in search of amazing dental implants near me? If you are looking for dental implants nearby, North Capitol Dental Care is your place to receive quality dental implants in San Jose. Contact us today and schedule your appointment for a flawless and beautiful smile.